Kelly's Vegan February

I started out a meat eater. Then I became vegetarian.

Now I'm Vegan. For the month of February, at least.

This is a record of 28 days of living
a Vegan Lifestyle
for my 28 Day Challenge
at Whole Foods Market Columbus Circle.

The struggles, the successes, the food!

Let's do this like it should be DONE.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb 27th and 28th: THE END (AND THE BEGINNING!)

Sorry about missing the post yesterday.  But it felt like a whirlwind weekend that would be best summed up today, the last day of my 28 Day Challenge.

And really, the first day of the rest of my life.  That’s the corniest thing one can say, but man, it’s true.

When I went vegetarian a few months ago, it was pretty much because my friend Kristy went vegetarian.  So I did it, for kicks.  Then I went vegan for this 28 Day Challenge, mostly to get a free membership to a gym, honestly.  And also living the vegetarian lifestyle was really quite suiting me.  I wasn’t missing meat at all, so I figured, let’s make the plunge and cut out the dairy and eggs.  But these decisions were made a bit haphazardly.  Not a WHOLE lot of thought went into all of this in the beginning.  But as weeks went by, my veganism became much more a part of who I was.  I enjoyed finding new vegan hotspots around town and recipes.  I was losing a bit of weight and feeling more energetic.  I was looking forward to the Engine 2 Immersion.  And then I went to the immersion.

And it was then that things (and well, me) REALLY changed.  That I felt these foods become an integral part of who I was.  I started thinking of myself as a being who needed fuel in order to live well.  Now I’m looking forward to putting my own artistic and creative touches on this “fuel”—making the plant strong diet something luscious and exciting and fun. It’s not going to be hard.  I have a huge array of beautiful delicious foods to spread my love of cooking to.  All these veggies and grains will know my name.  That’s for certain.

And exercise—this is going to be the REAL challenge.  I know this.  At least at the beginning.  Though I absolutely loved exercising every day this past week, and went to the gym yesterday, and plan on going tonight—I know it will be a challenge.  I intend on finding affordable yoga classes.  I intend on running this Spring.  I intend on getting fit and trim with exercise being a great ally.  Still, harder to make it a habit.  I’ve eaten every day of my life.  I know what it is to change that up.  Exercise—not so engrained yet.  But I want to make it my beautiful addiction.  Exercise.  Activity.  Moving my body and staying in touch with it.

What else can I say?  My ex boyfriend emailed me a couple of days ago.  A few months ago, I’d let that tear me up.  Now it’s like, meh.  I’ve got my own thing going on.  No matter what happens—if I have to move, if I lose my job, if I lose a lover, if my whole world collapses around me—I’ll still have this Engine 2 Diet.  I’ll still have exercise.  I can always put some spinach and tomatoes and mushrooms in a pot and pour it over brown rice.  I can always take a walk in the park.  I can always practice dietary excellence and be in charge of what goes into my body.  It might sound like an obsession, but it’s the best kind.  Obsessed with feeling good.  Obsessed with living long.  And obsessed with being plant strong.

I’ll be keeping up with this blog every now and again though I might have to rename it as it’s past February.  Though Vegan February was a momentous time for me.  It might be good to keep that title and remember when it all began.

May the adventures continue.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 26: Feb 26

And I'm back in NYC. Just like that.

What a tremendous week.  Today, we had a little graduation from our Engine 2 Immersion Program and as I walked up to the stage, Rip said "Can I just tell you?  I LOVE the way you dance!  It's like this crazy sexy Austin Powers THING.  It's awesome." 

Sigh. Rip.  Everyone falls in love with that guy a little bit.

I told my story of the tree with the muscular plant strong arm after I accepted my diploma because we could get a minute of time to say anything we wanted about our experience.  I got roaring applause.

There's always something so inherently satisfying when I talk in front of an audience and tell a story.  Like my true self is being expressed.  When everyone gets it, I'm proud.  And I also said that I was grateful for this week because I was placed BACK in my body with the exercise.  And I felt strong and capable.  And I did.  I do. 

My next plan of attack is to wake up tomorrow morning, go to the gym (until I find an affordable yoga studio or something of the like), go grocery shopping,  and cook.  I'm just going to do what I have to do in order to have no gap between the program and my life.  And it's gonna be a struggle.  But I think it's gonna be fun, too.

Before we left, Rip gave us all 28 Day Challenge Journals, to record our food and the like.  Because he wanted us to start a 28 Day Challenge tomorrow, when we got home, for ourselves.

I will be finishing this one on Monday. 

Then I will start my next 28 Day Challenge.  And after that, another 28 Day Challenge.  And after that, another 28 Day Challenge.  Until my life is full of 28 Day Challenges and I am someone who is living a life that is not only challenging, but fulfilling.

That's the deal.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 25: Feb 25

This was my last full day at the Engine 2 Immersion at Travassa in Austin, Texas.

I'm a little sad.  But I'm ready. 

And tonight, I'm tired.  Good tired.  I had actually already shut off the lights and then remembered that I hadn't blogged and took out my laptop.  So, here's a short one.  This morning, we got weighed, blood pressure-ized, and got blood drawn.  I lost 4 lbs, my blood pressure went down, and I'm betting my blood work's gonna say great things.  It was a great start to the day. Needless to say.  Before that, I had a great yoga class, too (!) where I successfully did the sitting lotus position, or whatever it's called.  Pam said "I'm very impressed!" when she saw me do that!  I loved the praise.  Ha.  I'm gonna go again tomorrow.  Whoda thunk.

It's been such an emotional, exciting, informational week.  So many thoughts and feelings are running through my head right now.  I am full of hope and there's bits of doubts, but I'm certain I'm going to take what I've learned here and just fly with it.  I'm plant strong.  For now, hopefully, forever.  But forever is just one day at a time right now. :)

One more thing.  Tonight, I went for a walk along the Mesa Trail before dinner.  It's a beautiful walk thru the woods.  A little hilly but not too bad, and just quiet and pleasant.  The shadows were so lovely that time of day.  I was just walking along when I came upon a tree. A big old tree.  With a huge horizontal branch that, well, looked like an arm.  With a bicep.  A big strong muscular arm reaching out into the canyon below.  And I thought: PLANT STRONG!!!!  And get this, I immediately started crying, overcome with emotion (though I know most will read this and think wow, that's cheesy, or boy, she's gone nuts).  I was just so happy to be where I was and who I was with and with what I'd accomplished this week.  I said Thank You. Out loud. To the universe.  To Travassa.  To Rip Esselstyn and his family.  To Whole Foods.  I felt healthy and well and in control of my body.  And my destiny. Literally on a plant strong path.  I'm seriously now on my way. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 24: Feb 24

Okay, there's a disco dance party in a little bit that I must attend (yes really) so this will be brief.

I went to yoga again today. It was...better!  Much better!  Some of the stretches I learned were very helpful with current soreness and we went over a couple that I was actually kinda GOOD at!  So, this is a small success. I'm going tomorrow, too.

Next:  my stomach is shrinking.  My jeans are too big.  My fat roll is getting smaller.  I find myself sucking in my tummy a lot lately.  And finding that there's a bit of muscle there.  Not that I built any this week but that it's coming through now that the fat is decreasing.  Not sure I'll lose any weight this week, but man, I'm feeling good.  My appetite is smaller, too.  I'm sticking with cereal and fruit for breakfast.  That seems to sustain me throughout the day.

Next,  we learned all about oils today.  Olive oil.  You know? That heart healthy one?  The one that's all over the tv and grocery store and marketed as a super food?  Guess what?  It's still terrible for you.


Some things I've learned this week have been huge AHA moments. And some have been huge DUH moments.  And some have been somewhere in between.  It's like everything I'm learning is at once obvious and a surprise.  Almost like I learned them once upon a time and forgot them.  Or like I missed that day in class. But really, no one is taught this stuff.  And that's on purpose.

Lastly, the black bean burger was bad tonight. I was not a fan.  But I think, I THINK, they might have fed us light and low cal today because the blood tests are tomorrow.  Ehhhh that might be a LITTLE bit conspiratorial of me, but it would also make sense.  I still love that cereal though.  And greens.  I am getting addicted to them.

Off to the disco dance party now!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 23: Feb 23

Wow. What a day.

It started off with yoga, which I hated, I mean HATED.  I couldn't do the stretches, my breathing was off, my balance sucked, and I looked around at everyone else and saw that they were doing better than me which is exactly what you're not supposed to do but I did it, and judged myself and walked out of there thinking, Kelly.  You suck at yoga.  So, I went to breakfast, got my bowl of cereal, and being the sporadically emotional person that I am, I burst into tears.  I was walking out of the dining hall to get some private time when I ran into Jane Esselstyn, the awesome sister of Rip who is hilarious and irreverent and smart.  She stopped me and said, "What's wrong?  Did something happen at home?"

"No, no. I went to yoga.  I sucked at it."

She kinda smiled and shrugged and said, "Yoga's hard."

I said, "I know, and I'm being hard on myself, I don't like that I'm not good at it, I was thinking of my athletic family and me not doing well at yoga and all of a sudden I got emotional, and I know it's ridiculous and I'm just having a very emotional week and--"

Then Jane said, "Listen, I'm a nurse.  You're expressing yourself well.  You have good color in your cheeks.  You look great.  You're fine.  And I come from a f***cking athletic family (Dad, Olympic medal, Rip, Triathlete, Medalist) and I know what that's like.  But you can do it, you'll be fine, yoga's not for everyone, maybe take a different class.  You're fine."

And then I was fine.

And since I completely blew out my legs with the crossfit workout, I can't really do that class tomorrow.  And the hilly hike workout option also sounds like a nightmare as every step really hurts.  This means I'm probably going to have to do yoga tomorrow.


Whatever.  I can't be as bad as I was today.  Or maybe I will be.  But at least I'll approach with a sense of humor. 

One more thing:  go to this website.  Forks Over Knives  Watch this trailer.  It will be coming to AMC, Regal and Landmark Movie Theaters. I saw it tonight as a special preview.  I'd happily see it again with anyone who wanted to see it!  IT'S GOING TO BE PLAYING KENDALL SQUARE CINEMA IN CAMBRIDGE MASS ON MAY 13!  And the cool thing is--it's about SCIENCE.  Not speculation or fads or media or gurus or anything like that.  Science.  All the people in it are my mentors in this journey and it's an exciting film that will blow the lid off some things, I think.  I hope. 

Ohhhhh man, one more thing.  I've started to eat MUCH less these last couple of days here.  And I'm feeling VERY full still.  Greens, man.  A huge gigantic plate of greens and a vegetable based soup to start lunch and dinner.  It's going to shave off crazy pounds.  I'm so excited about it.

Now, I'm excited for sleep! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 22: Feb 22

Oh boy, these days are just FLYING by, in a way.  But so so so dense!  It's hard to keep up with everything, so I guess I'll just put down the highlights.

Oh, so first and foremost: dinner last night. Which was Black Beans and Brown Rice Extravaganza--you know beans and rice and tomatoes and salsa and avocado and scallons and corn.  With chipotle orange glazed tofu which was DELICIOUS and tasted totally indulgent.  Also, the staple--steamed greens with cashew sauce.  After considering how much fat and calories (though good fat ) the cashew sauce has, though--and how much I've been using it as it is sooooo delicious--I asked Rip Esselstyn if we could get a bottle of vinegar by our greens tonight to use instead of said rich cashew sauce.  He said, Great idea!  We're on it!  See!  You just ask and you shall receive.  :)

Here's a picture of the black beans and rice extravaganza and chipotle glazed tofu!

I can't tell you how delicious this was--and how cheap it would be to make for a family! 

Before dinner, we rolled our own nori rolls!  Here's mine!  (A couple pieces were lame, admittedly--but it was due to the knife, swear!)

Then after dinner was an inspirational talk by Dick Beardsley, who you may recall NEARLY won the Boston Marathon in 1982.  Beardsley is remarkable for many reasons.  He grew up a hick kid in Minnesota, never really was much into sports until he made up his mind about running.  Unfortunately, Dick experienced a crazy string of accidents--from tractor, to running over by a car, to falling off a cliff--and so he sort of messed up his body.  And then got majorly majorly addicted to painkillers.  He was popping up to 90 pills a day at one point.  A former marathoner.  But he got clean.  And now he's been sober for 14 years and tells an incredible story of perseverance, positivity, and good humor.  I didn't know where the story was headed when he first started speaking it.  He just sounded like a good ole boy from Minnesota, but man, has he been thru some serious stuff.  I was inspired.  Truly.  What a guy.  Woah.  The inspirational talk took place in a beautiful space called the Sanctuary which was outside and just--hmmm.  Dreamy.  See below.

Then this MORNING, I experienced my own athleticism!  I took a cross-fit workout taught by Nathan Turner for my morning workout.  And it was intense and fun and made me feel strong!  So many lunges.  Yikes!  I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.

This afternoon, we had a question and answer period.With all the big wigs--the entire Esselstyn family and Dr. Pam Popper of The Wellness Forum who I am telling you is quickly becoming someone I admire.  This woman is so cool.  I sat with her the first day at lunch and had no idea who she was.  She is totally brill and personable and tough and cool. Anyway, during the q&a, people were asking questions about their family and their stores and disease and health questions in general.  But I had a very selfish personal question to ask.

"All my numbers are perfect, optimal, except my weight.  Could I be healthy as a bit overweight with perfect numbers? I'm annoyed that my numbers are great and my weight is this."

Dr. Esselstyn said, "Yes, you can be perfectly healthy and a little overweight."

Pam said: "Give up flour.  You'll lose it quickly."

And Rip said: "Ha, give it a few months.  Do the diet. You'll be exactly where you need to be."

So I have those three comments, all of which are encouraging, and exciting.  I'm not sure about giving up flour altogether, but we'll see.  It might be an interesting idea.  Something I've never tried.  With all the veggies I'm eating, I'm getting everything I need.  We'll just see.  I'm happy where I am right now. I'm on MY WAY.  Just being on MY WAY is awesome.  I'll get there.  It's in sight now.  Just going to enjoy this journey.  And all this delicious fooooood!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 21: Feb 21

I'm going to semi-live blog this day today...saving as I go and then posting at the end...

I went on a major hike for the workout this morning.  Hilly and beautiful.  The sun rose as we headed up the hill and it was just like WOW. Such an awesome start to the day.  Then I chugged lots of water to go get my blood drawn, as all of us "immersionists" are going to be part of a year long study of those who went to this immersion.  Even if you fall off the wagon, and don't do the diet after you leave.  They just want proof that it works if you do it, and that it's worth the money WFM is paying to send team members.

After blood work--breakfast!!! Yummmm.  Breakfast burritos, self made--corn tortilla (no oil!), black beans, homefried potatoes, peppers, onions, scrambled tofu, steamed greens, salsa hot sauce.  No oil in any of it!  Then I had a small bowl of what's called Rip's Big Bowl--which is a bunch of healthy cereals and grains covered in fruit and a milk of our choice--I chose almond.  Can't remember the last time I had my bananas sliced for me.  Deeeelicious.

Just the food, by the way--reason to be here. :)

But now we have an entire day of intensive classes and lectures.  Which is supposed to be pretty amazing and lifechanging.  So, that's it for now! More later...

5:45 pm
Woah. What a day of classes!  Three intensive lectures, taught by some of the greatest experts on plant based nutrition in the whole WORLD. T Colin Campbell who wrote THE CHINA STUDY did a Focus on Nutrition lecture and "Protein Worship." Protein Worship was FASCINATING.  He talked all about how there is this whole idea of protein being something that Westerners think is the most important part of their diet.  And the typical question that plant based folks get is: "How are you getting your protein?" The answer to which that is, BY EATING! As only 5-10% of our calories really need to be protein, and we get tons of proteins from leafy greens and wheat.  Protein DOES make a person grow faster, but that isn't really necessary for most of us--and athletes can get their protein from plants.  It was fantastic. 

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who wrote a highly impacting book called PREVENT AND REVERSE HEART DISEASE lectured endothelial cells and how the bad cholesterol sticks to them, invades the endothelial space and then white blood cells come in, become foam cells from eating all the bad cholesterol, and then those foam cells do nasty stuff.  Like break down the plaque lining and cause heart attacks!  I THINK I have that right.  I'm not POSITIVE--i'm gonna review with some peers to make sure.  

Another awesome lecture today was one by Jeff Novick, who basically disected the Western Diet changes over the last 40 years.  He was funny and informative and delivered heavy information in a light and entertaining way. 

Now I'm off to the dining hall for a cooking lesson on nori roll rolling!  That's sushi!  (Vegetable of course.)  Then we're gonna have a big ole dinner followed by an inspirational lecture on ADDICTIONS by Dick Beardsley.  Which is sure to be fantastic.

Not sure I'll have time or energy to write later tonight, so I'll just post this now.  Oh, one more thing: headache.  Caffeine withdrawal. Very. Annoying.  But besides that, I feel GREAT!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 20: February 20


I am insanely excited.  I am also tremendously tired.  So we are going to keep this brief.

Got into Austin at 11:30.  Then the big blue shuttle drove us to Travassa (formerly the Crossings).

There's a long and winding road leading up to the resort.  There's tons of sky.  There's also tons of land.  It's just lovely. When the shuttle stopped, cute Texan boys were there to take our bags to our rooms.

My room is AWE. SOME. MAH.

My bed is big and fluffy, the way I like it.  The bathroom is large and gorgeous.  There is a a beautiful desk, so many windows, and wifi! 

And that BED.

I am going to sleep so hard tonight.

The welcomes tonight were so exciting.  We went into a huge gym/auditorium where Rip Esselstyn (Big Engine 2 Author Guy) told us about all the super exciting people we were going to listen to talk this week.  Nutrition big wigs and the like.  And he gave us a rundown of the menu for the week. Which was enticing and delicious. 

I am a sap.  I get excited when people who know something works say over and over again "This is going to change your life. This information." I believe them.  Especially when the food looks like this: 

two kinds of delicious beet salad.  Huge piles of kale and spinach with cashew cream sauce.  And sweet potato lasagna.  I ate all of this.  It was delicious and filling and yet I feel light and not stuffed.

Except for the crazy gas.

I am amazed I am here.  It hasn't sunk in yet.  I think a good night's sleep will help that along.  Man.  It's going to be an amazing week.  So many lectures and classes tomorrow.  And workout at 6:45 am.  Oh boy. 

I suspect I will also take the time to enjoy this view.  Over and over again.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Days 18 and 19: Feb 18 and Feb 19

Yesterday flew by in a flurry of last minute work to-do-before-leaving for Austin.  So I figured today, I'd write a duo-post.

So today I'm getting ready for my trip tomorrow.  I had to go to South Bronx to get my cell phone at a Fed Ex that basically looked like a fall out shelter.  Note, family, that I took a cab and got home safely and now have my phone and so all is well.  It's impossible to get anything delivered to one's apartment in New York City.

Doing laundry and cleaning a bit so that my room is a welcoming place when I return.

For lunch, I made a veggie burger--well, didn't actually make the veggie burger.  It was a frozen vegan patty that was actually decent!  Had good smoky flavor.  I sauteed a bunch of mixed mushrooms in a pan w a bit of water, salt, pepper and thyme.  Then I spread some olive hummus on a tortilla, layered it with spinach, the mushrooms and the burger!  Deeeelicious.  My tastebuds have already started to change this month and I know they're just gonna change and change more after the week I'm going to have.

I'm sorta looking forward to the food most of all.  I know my mind will be blown by the classes but Engine 2 has some GREEEEAT recipes which are filling and beautiful and healthy.  And real cooks will be making them for us throughout the week.  Without oil and a bunch of other icky stuff.  I think through food, I will learn what's important.  Food has to give me pleasure and sustenance.  How I will feel will result in how I will CHANGE.  I'm so super excited.  Eek.

My roommate is having a party tonight so I won't be getting much sleep at ALL. But it's okay.  I will sleep on the plane.  And will be running on adrenaline once I get to Austin.

I'm also looking forward to morning hikes and yoga.  Sigh.  That will be such a lovely way to wake up!  The lack of coffee is nervewracking but I'm bringing a huge stash of green tea.  I don't believe that's contraband.  We'll see!  Ha.

My face is getting very um thin.  And long. That's the big change in my appearance so far.  It's fun!  I'm going to take a picture on my new cell phone (!) tomorrow and then take one next Sunday.  I will post both accordingly.  Tomorrow's picture will be me very tired.  Next Sunday's will be me invigorated!  I think it will be cool to note the difference.

Alright, time to put the clothes in the dryer and continue this packing thing.  Someday when I'm a rich and famous nutritionist, I'll have someone who can do this for me.  Ha.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 17: Feb 17

So, today, four people on different occasions said I looked skinny.

And I woke up this morning feeling like "Oh, I look skinny today"--which is interesting.  Did my attitude affect the way I looked?  Did they way I look affect my attitude?  Both? Probs.

I put on a pair of pants I've actually never been able to wear comfortably since I  bought them.  Now they are loose-ish. I put on a tshirt that fits fantasically which used to hug my spare tire (that belly roll above the waist).

I felt smaller when I walked into work today.  And four people all said I looked smaller.

Just a great feeling, man.

I have to celebrate ALL these little things. Fitting into a pair of pants, getting compliments, figuring out how to make great healthy pizza, a month of veganism.  All this stuff, all these little victories along the way should be celebrated.  Because the ultimate GOAL--it might not ever get reached.  Heck, I might not even really have a goal in sight except to be healthy and to look better.  And I can always be healthier.  And I can always look better. So what good would it be if I just looked toward that all the time and didn't take time to appreciate my successes along the way.  That's no fun way to live.

I want to live FUN.

Last day of work tomorrow. Sunday I leave for Austin.  Oh, man.  That's something to celebrate. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 16: Feb 16

Up oh so early today to go to the DMV.  It was like one of those "I better get a darn good start to this day else it totally blow up in my face at the terrible DMV."  So I had a bowl of plain soy yogurt (Whole Soy--so terrific.  No funky aftertaste), with some sort of spicy granola (I can't remember the brand) and my lovely coconut-flax-pumpkin seed ground deliciousness.  It was so filling and great.  And it really made a difference to my mood. 

Admittedly, I was one of those bacon egg and cheese on a roll girls for A WHILE.  And OFTEN.  Man, those things are delicious, I mean, sorta.  Cuz inevitably, a few minutes after I ate one, I had a kinda gross feeling in my stomach. Followed by a very unsatisfying poo an hour or so later.  And I was always hungry soooon after.  So I don't think I'm going to ever really go back to a REGULAR breakfast diet of bacon egg and cheese on a roll.  Maybe I'll make myself one ever now and again on a brioche roll, thick cut uncured bacon, free range egg.  If I do at all.  Those indulgences, though, aren't really worth it in the end.  Not when I FEEL better after eating yogurt and granola.  Who cares if that shot of salt and fat give me a rush for the five minutes I'm consuming it?  I gotta remember that emotional, habitual eating can take on more positive results.  I can get emotional and habitual about fruit and oatmeal and almond milk and bananas, I know I can. 

(Sigh.  Bacon.  Damn you.  Really.)

I'm super tired this afternoon due to an early start this AM.  But I'm drinking lots of water and have a great spinach and portobello mushroom burrito for lunch.  While a little on the large size (when are burritos NOT shaped like food bombs?) I really loved the flavor of all those vegetables.  I'm starting to really love the taste of mushrooms and spinach, not just as my favorite VEGETABLES which they've always been--but as some of my favorite FOODS. Favorite FOODS.  That's the crazy thing.

Other than that, hmmm.  Looking forward to serving up a Cashew Carrot Spread tomorrow for a demo.  This stuff looks beautiful and delicious.  And it is.  I tried. I'm going to serve it up alongside apple slices and crackers and celery.  The fat in cashews is a beautiful thing.  Creamy creamy creamy. 

Only four more days til I leave for Austin!  Can you believe it?  It's almost here!  Eeeeek!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15: Feb 15

Wow!  Just realized I'm more than halfway through my 28 Day Challenge.  Which is wild!  It's been easier than many other "diets" I've tried, though I'm not considering this a diet so much as an experiment.  I'm using the last whole on my belt (!) and eating pretty much whatever I want except animal products.  That is to say, if I want a scoop of coconut ice cream, I'll have a scoop.  If I want some popcorn (cooked only w a bit of olive oil), I'll have some  popcorn.  I'm getting my greens and beans in because I have to or I'll be super hungry.  The rest is just whatever.  I'm sure that when I get to Austin this Sunday (yay), my diet will change considerably.  No more oils except for the ones in nuts. A lot less sugar except for the sugars in fruits.  And no coffee.  Eek.  No coffee.  Yeah, no coffee at that ranch.  I know.  Scary.  Green Tea--you betcha.  We'll just see.  I'm figuring with the exercise and all the water I'll be drinking, it won't be as bad as detoxing at work.  And maybe just maybe, the lack of coffee there will encourage me to stay off the beans here. 

One of my new favorite things in the brown rice vegetable salad roll at the sushi bar here.  It's got like arugula and carrot and avocado and a couple other veggies and comes with a yummy dressing (canola based, no eggs) and it's filling and tastes a bit naughty.  To think that a SUSHI ROLL WOULD TASTE NAUGHTY to me is just hilarious.  But my taste buds are changing.  One of the more remarkable things to have happened since I started the 28 Day Challenge.

In other news, I'm continuing to take the multi vitamin and vitamin d every day.  And the ground flax in my cereal, yogurt, or sometimes just by the spoonful.  I consider the flax a kind of supplement, though I know it's a food.  It's like an instant "Oh, I'm a little full" kind of snack/shot to the body.  I am feeling a BIT tired but I think that's mainly because it's been a hectic week or so. 

Alrighty then, that's it for now!  I feel like these posts are getting a little monotonous--but wait til next week!  Oh, my the stories I will have from the immersion!!  Just wait. Ha. :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 14: February 14

It's Valentine's Day!

Or was, really.  I'm writing this from home on Valentine's Day Night and feelin FINE!  This time last year, my ex boyfriend and I were on "a break" and so I was mopey and sad-ish.  This year, there is so much on the horizon to be happy about!  Work and social things and my trip to Austin and feeling more at home in my body and also seeing the differences that eating this vegan diet for two weeks (!) has made on my body. And my spirit! For real. 

Today at work, I went nuts with the culinary demos.  I made seared scallops (or at least some of them seared--damn it when they're frozen, too watery they don't brown up and caramelize like they should) with a blood orange and smoked paprika sauce.  I tasted  the smoked paprika and man, what a flavor!  Such a far cry from regular paprika.  This smelled and tasted like BACON!  (Or was reminiscent of, really).  Then I made a veal picatta from scratch right on the floor, searing the veal, making the pan gravy.  It smelled amazing and looked delicious and customers were going nuts for both dishes.  Both were on the expensive side, but it was Valentine's Day after all, and upscale demos were totally appropriate. These were foods I'm not eating, and don't plan on eating for a while.  But it was still fun to make and smell and go through the process of cooking animal products.  It kind of hits a sensual spot of cooking, working such fatty and luxurious foods. (Did I mention that the blood orange sauce had two sticks of butter in it? Ha!  I guess that's sort of irresponsible, but the sauce was MEANT to be crazy!) Anyway, I still loving cooking everything--maybe at some point the idea of cooking beef or chicken or even fish will gross me out--intellectually and personally and creatively--but I hope not.  I want to be as much of a well-rounded cook as I can be.  I think it's my responsibility as a foodie and an educator (I am an educator, I consider myself one as a demo specialist) and so I'm far off from refusing to cook these kinds of dishes. I also have an obligation to promote all departments as a demo specialist, to endorse their products, whether or not I choose to eat them.  I think it's important for me to stay well rounded in my cooking style, career-wise and personally.  It just makes me feel more capable. 

Though I know at the end of the day--there are more vegetables, fruits and grains than there are any other foods.  The varieties of plant based foods out there is amazing, and the palate for creation just from them is huge.  And so I also look forward to getting even more creative with the food I've personally been eating. For instance,  I know I'm not thinking of all the ways I can use eggplant right now.  Ha.  Though tonight, I sauteed eggplant and pureed it with spices and onions and garlic to attempt a "cream sauce."  Over whole wheat pasta.  Great, in theory.  In reality--it was gross. Ha. Totally gross.  Muddled and looked ugly and tasted grainy and gross.  I almost took a picture.  Such a failure. Not the most delicious VDay dinner in the world.   To say the least.

Hey, it happens. 

Least I can cook a hell of a veal picatta though.   Indeed.

February 13: Day 13

eeek! day late, day late!!!!!  Internet was sketchy all day at my house and then I just forgot to post.  Oh wells.

Yesterday, I invited my friend Leila over and we made vegan chili (delicious, smoky, spicy) and then for DESSERT, I got inspired. And made dark chocolate cinnamon quesadillas and served them along side a dainty scoop of vanilla bean coconut ice cream.  It was FUN!!!  It was fun to be festive and engaged and social with food I can eat, and to have my friend enjoy those foods as well.

More later for today, Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 12: February 12

Good morrrrning.  Early start to today, but I like that.  Honestly, Saturdays are still meant for play in my book.  Even if I do happen to work.Getting out early.  Which is nice.  :)

I brought the peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies to work today.  The other batch. I'm giving them away to coworkers.  People are wildly impressed with the fleur de sel, and man, I long for a cookie.  It's kinda sad that I don't get to have one today.  Ha. Sad is probably a strong word, but there is this idea of "mourning a food" that I have been thinking about lately.  There is an emotional tie to food, obviously, and even though I don't want a cookie for reasons of hunger or nourishment, I do want a cookie because I made them, and they're fun, and I want to enjoy them with other people.  I think sometimes I'm just going to feel excluded on this diet, like certain things people eat aren't really my "cultural property" anymore.  I honestly think that emotional tie to some foods is going to be the thing that will lead me astray, or "back" as it were.  Like, I can't imagine not eating my Mom's Swedish Meatballs on Easter, if she makes them. NOT eating those would make me sad.  Or maybe I'm just thinking it would.  In the moment, I might just go, "That's okay, I'll eat this thing that she made instead."  Honestly, no single food choice I make is going to say who I am, or who I'm not. It's the accumulation of choices which will define who I am, as an eater.  If someday, I want to have a swedish meatball, if what I really really really want is to have a swedish meatball--I will have one.  I will make that choice. 

But today, I'm not having a cookie.

Instead, I'm enjoying the cookies through giving them to other people.  It's not as sensual and direct and delicious a way to enjoy food--but here, I'm the baker.  I'm the maker.  I'm not the eater.  But I'm still part of the chain of giving and eating food.  And I think that's fine. 

I never imagined food would be such a huge part of who I am.  I think maybe it's because I'm such a pensive, thoughtful person to begin with.  Whatever I do means a lot to me.  So it would make sense that food would follow suit.

I think I might buy a vegan cookie today so that if my date wants to eat the cookies while I'm there, I can share in that.  With my own vegan cookie.  It's a little forced, it's a little lame, it's not as spontaneous, but it's about making sure that I feel included in a ritual that means a lot to me.  The breaking of bread. Or the eating of cookies.  As it were.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 11: February 11


Feeling good today.  Decided on a double espresso this morning instead of any coffee drink with soy or almond milk.  Cuz that kinda grosses me out still.  The soy creamer is meh.  Ha.  I never thought this would  be a huge point of contention in my veganism--how to drink my coffee.  Ah well.  I will figure it out.

Tonight I made a pizza!  I bought fresh dough from the store and rolled it super thin and topped it with artichoke hearts, tomato sauce, spinach and a little bit of fake crumbly sausage.  My oven got pretty darn hot so it baked up rather well, though there were soggy dough pocket issues in the middle.  Man.  I want a pizza oven.  Still, I didn't really miss the cheese!  It was just nice having something hot and crusty and loaded with veggies.  Hope to find a healthy vegan pizza joint somewhere in this city soon.

Hmm, what else, what else?  Everything feels okay in my body, brain feels good.  Pretty standard day.  Going out tomorrow night.  I'm gonna confront that "Is there anything here I can eat?" issue most likely unless I plan the restaurant myself.  But that's not something I always want to do.  So we'll just cross our fingers.  Sides of spinach and a baked potato are always an option just about anywhere.  Ha.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10: February 10

Day 10!  Crazy!  The month is flying by, isn't it? 

Today was a better day than yesterday!  My mood was a bit more up.  I felt a little less dizzy and a little less woozy than yesterday.  Had my favorite breakfast this morning--Ezekiel Cereal with fruit and almond milk.  Also snacked on some soynuts (which are just roasted soy beans) and I really think that was a great snack--filling, toasty, bit salty.  Right up my alley. 

But let's get to the big deal of the day, shall we?


So I decided today that I wanted to bake cookies for a date of mine.  Because I haven't cooked for a boy in a while, and it's always something that I enjoy and take great pride in showing a new guy.  "Look, I can COOK!"  It's appealing, a chick who can cook.  It is, and forever will be.  And Valentine's Day is coming up, and while I have JUST started dating this guy, I wanted to do a LITTLE something for the occasion.  So I decided to bake cookies!

Chunky Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies with Fleur de Sel to be exact.

I first baked these at a cookie making party around Christmas.  These things are amazing.  The cookie is almost like a flaky pastry, nearly like a butter crust, with a crispy exterior.  The chocolate I used is terrific, Dagoba 73% percent (vegan!) but very creamy, and not too bitter.  The peanuts were just roasted unsalteds.  And the butter, 365 unsalted.  Egg, free range. Vanilla, real vanilla, spicy and potent and gorgeous.

Now.  This cookie is, technically, forbidden.  According to my 28 Day Challenge of being a REAL LIFE VEGAN.  But the dough itself, like raw, was beautiful.  So soft and richly peanutty, like a crazy peanut butter aroma floating up from the bowl. And whilst letting these bad boy cookies cool, I spotted some crumbs around the cooling tray.  Little bits I'd normally not think TWICE about eating. Finally, two cookies broke as I took them off the tray, into a few pieces.  Not really pretty anymore, not pretty enough for the Valentine's care package for the guy. 

So what did I do?

I didn't. Eat. A thing.


Not one lick of raw dough, not one crumb, not one broken cookie. Nothing.  I packaged up the twelve prettiest for the guy, and put the other twelve on the counter with a note for my roommates: "Enjoy these peanut butter cookies!"

I have NEVER in my  life made cookies and not eaten at least one, never NOT licked the spoon, never not scooped up the crumbs into my hand and popped them into my mouth.

But this time, I did.  Because they weren't vegan.  That was the only reason.

And sometimes just one reason is enough to make a girl think. Even if it's a random thing like this challenge.

Because I realized, the next time I make cookies, even if I'm NOT vegan anymore, or even if the cookies themselves are vegan, I don't have to snack the whole way through. I can wait, until they're cooled, and have one.  With a glass of milk. (Dairy or almond, we'll see, ha.)  And just enjoy the cookie.  And not insist on munching along the baking way.  There's no reason for it.  It's mindless eating, that's what that is.  And this vegan thing has given me the opportunity NOT to be mindless.  But rather, MINDFUL. About everything I put into my body.  Sure, I'm still not making the best choices all the time.  But they've all been VEGAN choices.  And just that one constraint is helping me to THINK more about my food.  Rather than just FEEL it.  And that balance of thinking and feeling my food is what's going to make me a great eater.

A great eater.  Ha.  I like that.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 9: February 9

Today was kind of an annoying day.

It started with an unsuccessful trip to the DMV.  I think the stress of traveling next week to Austin is kinda weighing on me.  While I am very excited, I'm also a little scared and nervous.  I know I have a long way to go with how I eat and how I exercise.  It's sort of intimidating right now.  Even though I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I'd lost 2 and a half lbs this week.  Which is great.  I have to say it--that's great.  But it's not really enough for me right now.

Yeah. More than anything, I'm just really eager to go on this trip.  Eagerness coupled with a BIT of anxiety.  Those things--excitement and nervousness--usually make me want to emotionally eat.  Every time.  Man, I wish I was one of those people who COULDN'T eat when they got nervous or excited.  I EAT, dude.  Like before dates--I eat.  Before tests--I used to eat.  Before acting in plays--I ate.   Ha.  Eating is THERE, man.  And I want to eat badly.  Right now, I want to have a meat stromboli from Grandpa's Pizza down the street.  It's not the most delicious stromboli in the world, but it's got like five kinds of meat and I want it right now. I also want a couple of beers.  Hell.  And a bourbon.

Not going to eat that stuff though.  Man.  I know I wouldn't even really enjoy it.  I'd eat it so fast.  I'd get heartburn.  My stomach would be gross afterward and my, um, bathroom habits (THERE I SAID IT!) wouldn't be as awesome as they are on a vegan diet.  So I'm not going to have a freaking meat stromboli.  Okay?!  Okay.


I went to the gym today for about 45 minutes.  The workout bored me.  I couldn't really get into it.  I wasn't getting a really good "burn" as they say.  I'm spinning my wheels today.  Which is okay.  Not every day is going to be a huge success.    Some days are gonna be so blah.  Today's a blah today. Yesterday I was woozy.  I think part of me is kinda shutting down because I know there's a vacation/immersion/retreat in my near future.  And it's hard to stay really excited about being in New York City right now.

I just know I'm on the cusp of something so awesome.  And it's getting hard staying who I am and where I am--but it's also hard to take the plunge.  My heart's in this, it is. 

But it's not completely in it all the time. That's the truth.  Actually, I'm not sure it will be in it all the time EVER.  I think I will ALWAYS BATTLE THIS.  This eating junky food thing.  But that has to become the status quo--I have to be comfortable with that--and STILL resist the bad things that got me chubby.

But I know if anything is gonna get my heart completely into it, the trip to Austin is going to help my heart get completely into it.  I'm not counting on it to do everything for me.  But I know it will be simultaneously stimulate and relax me, challenge me and comfort me.  I'm going to do everything I can to make this immersion count.

That's the promise.

And for now--the promise is to eat broccoli, seitan and brown rice for dinner.

Little promises--the ones I can keep--will fuel my success. 

Love, Kelly

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 8: Feb 8

Hmmm, hitting a lull right now with the posting.  Still feel like I should write a bit each day, though, just to make sure to get a status update in.  Tonight, I feel fine.  This afternoon, woozy.  I think I might be getting a bit of a cold or something?  Not sure.  Added ground flax seed to the diet this morning on the cereal.  Drank more water.  Cutting back on caffeine cuz coffee without real milk is gross.  Hmm, what else, what else? 

Gonna try and get to the gym tomorrow.  I talked to Ebeth last week about my lack of real serious exercise and I'm gonna try to get my ass in gear about it.  For like the zillionth time in my life.  This is why I really want to WIN THAT NY SPORTS CLUB MEMBERSHIP!!!  I will have the opportunity to take classes and have FUN with my workout and not get so borrrrred.


So much to work on. It seems kinda huge sometimes.  I approach it on occasion with a LET'S DO THIS! attitude and the next minute I'm, like, tired.  And irritable.  And just want cheese. 



Holy moly, not sure I've even talked about that!  But I got into the Engine 2 Healthy Eating Immersion in Austin.  Starting February 20th.  Going to the 26th.  I'm elated about this.  It will give me the edge, support, encouragement I need to REALLY take the plunge into this healthy lifestyle.  I know a little bit about where I'm headed.  But I know I don't know it all.  And all this info I'm gonna get in Austin is really gonna help me stuff in perspective. Food wise.  Health wise.  Me wise.

That's it for now.  Signing off.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 7: Feb 7

this one's gonna be short, kids.  i'm a tirrrred girl. too tired to even use caps. ha.

it was a challenging day today for this vegan! but ultimately, very triumphant!  i worked on prepping catering for 400 for a 3 hour long cocktail party about social media at the New York Public Library all day.  there was no time for lunch.  no time for dinner til 7:30. 

and there were meatballs around.  and blue cheese. and goat cheese stuffed dates.  we could munch on these every now and again. 

but i didn't.

i had a couple plain dates, and some sweet potatoes.  i was hungry.  a meatball would have been so easy.  salty and fatty and momentarily satisfying. but i didn't eat one.  i was strong.

no, really.  for a chubby girl who goes to food when she's not EVEN hungry.  for her to not go to things that would have been comforting during a hungry and stressful time would have been very easy.  but i resisted. and had a vegan burrito for dinner.  with some black iced tea. 

on the train platform this evening, i got weepy.  it was a long, tiring day.  but i felt happy and proud. i was full of happy feelings.  for a variety of reasons.  i started eating better a couple of months ago in part because of a painful romantic breakup.  i know this has nothing to do with the 28 day challenge, but it has to do with a life challenge. when i started taking charge of what i was putting into my body, i started taking charge of what was coming out--and by coming out, i mean feelings.  emotional and physical.  i've been attempting to take charge of my diet for the past three years. and while i know i won't get skinny in a month of veganism, or a year. i know i'm getting healthier.  and taking charge. it's a good feeling.

here's to more good feelings.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 6: February 6

Today was a big adventure day in Vegan Land!

First off, I went down to the village to see a movie with my friend, Leila.  I had some time to kill before the movie, and was hungry for breakfast so I figured I'd find something rather quickly.  Though I quickly realized know where I was going, vegan-wise.  I saw Gobo, but that place is a bit expensive for a quick bite.  Red Bamboo wasn't open yet. (First went there YEARS ago on a date with A VEGAN and would go later on today, but more of that later.)  And then I came upon Lifethyme Natural Market!

I had noticed the storefront years ago, which is a bit hippy-dippy.  This time, however, I ventured in, tentatively.  I quickly realized they had a full hot bar of vegan treats, salads as well, and tons of prepared foods behind a counter!  I got so excited, I whispered "Yayyyyy!" to myself  I spotted a Deep Dish Pie, which was chuck full of every vegetable under the sun, spinach, tomatoes, onions, butternut squash.  A quinoa crust.  The quinoa crust I wasnt CRAZY about, but I'm not a generally huge quinoa fan anyway.  But the filling of the pie itself was DELICIOUS and filling and flavorful.  I picked up a vegan chocolate chip raspberry cookie as well!  Which I munched on later on that afternoon during the movie.  The cookie itself was AWESOME! Crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside, rich, chocolatey and buttery!  Without the butter, of course.  I was very surprised about the cookie as all the vegan cookies I've tried thus far have been sort of thuddy bricks of doom. This thing was GREAT!  I poked around the store for a while as well, finding tons of confections and expensive chocolates and lots of fun grains.  Dehydrated raw fruit!  Such a cool place.  I'll definitely be going back!

After the movie, it was time for lunch.  We went over to Red Ramboo

which is sort of a cafe-soul food-diner kinda joint. I got the club sandwich, which was on kinda bland generic whole wheat bread, but with smoky tofu steaks, really, and DELICIOUS tempeh bacon!  The bacon was crispy and seemed kinda fatty and salty and was definitely reminiscent (ENOUGH) of bacon.  I want to try making it at home for special occasions.  I'm pretty sure there was a LOT of salt in this food, however.  I'm interested in finding more healthy-eating oriented vegan restaurants.  Red Bamboo is definitely kind of diner fare, but it's pretty fun! And it was nice to share the meal with a friend, who got a tempeh pulled pork sandwich, which she really did enjoy.  And she's a real live meateater!

On my way from the train, I stopped off at a grocery store near my house, the name of I can't remember.  I found some ground flax, pumpkin and coconut mixture that I intend on putting on my cereal tomorrow.  I looked for tofu dogs for a special super bowl treat, but I couldn't find any.  I'll be munching on some popcorn later during the game, or some such.  We'll see.  It's okay, I ate a lot today already. :)

Today was sort of a HUGE eating day and not too much about healthy eating, but more about just exploring vegan cuisine.  I have the feeling that the vegetable pie at Lifethyme was pretty healthy.  It was light and hearty. I'd love to try and make it at home.  There was nearly a quiche sorta thing going on, what with the tofu in it as well. I think vegan quiches is something I could get pretty excited about making at home.

And finally: last night, I made a Shepherd's Pie with a lentil and mushroom base.  It came out GREAT, and I used minimum salt throughout, much less than I would have previously.  Ebeth, the healthy eating specialist at Whole Foods, taught a low sodium cooking class the other night which I didn't get a chance to attend, but was inspired by.  I know I oversalt my food, and there's no need to do so throughout like the cooks say.  You can add salt at the end, really, as the taste of the salt diminishes throughout the cooking process but the sodium remains.  It's best to go light on the salt I'm thinking especially with my heavy hand,.  With the Shepherd's Pie, I used stuff like no sodium broth and Bragg's to impart tons of flavor.  Bragg's Liquid Aminos is a great Vegan trick--it's like soy sauce, but smokier and meatier.  Perfect accompaniment to the mushrooms and lentils.  There were tons of carrots and celery and onions in the mushroom ragout as well. I layered the Shepherds Pie with corn and then some russet mashed potatoes.  It was just delicious, and now I have dinner or lunch for the rest of the week. OH AND ALSO: NO OIL!!!!

This week, I'm going to have one really big salad a day, most definitely.  I've been eating lots of beans and tomatoes and such, but not so many greens during the day.  So time to impart that back into the diet.  I think I've been eating heavier foods that I normally would from day to day, and that's fine, what with the adjustment and all.  But I can't forget that green veggies are my friends! 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

DAY 5: FEB 5 PART 2!!!

Oooh, lunch today was GREAT.  I had a Candle Cafe Black Bean and Pumpkin Seed Burger available here at the PFDS counter at Whole Foods.  I had it on a whole wheat roll with a bit of no oil hummus, salsa verde, romaine lettuce, tomatoes and shredded carrots.  It was AWESOME.  Texturally, the seeds in the burger gave it a terrific bite!  It inspired me to make some homemade veggie burgers.  I had this veggie burger at Cafe Orlin in the East Village one time, and it was chuck full of walnuts and lentils and soooo hearty!  Also fried.  Yum.  Would probably bake it.  Not sure that veggie burger at Orlin was vegan, though.  Hmmm. In any case, it was good to have a veggie burger that didn't taste like it came from a wack health food store in 1983. 

DAY 5: FEB 5

Shortened the title there. See?Ha. Anyhoo.

Confession: I am currently eating too much peanut butter on my Vegan 28 Day Challenge.


It snuck in sneakily during the first weeks of being a vegetarian. I was feeling deprived and peanut butter was hitting the spot. And then, before you knew it, I was spreading it on waaaay too thick on crackers and bread.  Because I was craving the fat.  The silkiness.  The inherent saltiness. The naughtyness of it.

And so, I'm giving it up.  Throwing it out today and not buying any more for the month of February.

It's necessary.  It kinda HAS to be all or nothing at this point, or I know I will go through a jar of it a week and gain weight.  That's just how I roll, just how my habits are.

It wasn't initially part of my 28 Day Challenge, but I'm realizing I'm using waaaay too much as a crutch in order to feel "satisfied"--and that's the OLD way of feeling satisfied, with something fatty there, with something indulgent and rich.

Plus, I'm adding like 20 grams of fat to my diet daily just by spreading it on. It's true. 

I think what I'm MOST craving is creaminess.  I think, texturally, this is what I'm wanting.  This is going to be a constant challenge this month, I think.  Finding "creaminess" in places I haven't thought of before.  Now that I think of it, I was using a bit too much Tofutti Sour Cream as well. Ha.  I ran out of that stuff yesterday, anyway.


People on a new diet plan WILL cheat.  Even when it's not REALLY cheating.  We will figure out away to mess with the system. And we won't even realize we're doing it.  That's why this blog is important.  It's keeping me focused and making me acknowledge when I've gone off track.

So, what's my plan to combat my craving for creaminess?  That's the point, right?  To indulge but not indulge.  I don't want to feel like I'm missing lots of things.  I want to feel fulfilled.

Here are some things I can think of to COMBAT THE CRAVING FOR CREAMINESS (CTCFC):
Oil Free Hummus (Lots of recipes out there for this using different beans. I should buy some canned chick peas, black beans, black eyed peas tonight (CHEAPPPP) and make some spreads)
Eggplant Dips (I can roast these and puree with the tiniest bit of olive oil and lots of garlic, I think and it'll be yum)
The occasional tablespoon of ALMOND BUTTER (better fat than the peanuts, I don't really crave this stuff, but I think as a special treat I'll have a tablespoon a week if I desire)
Tofu Dips (haven't really researched this yet, but it would seem like soft tofu would be a good base for a lot of flavorings)

My next battle is going to be with SALT.  I recognize I'm probably oversalting right now.  And as a result, retaining water.  And not seeing the number on the scale drop like I wanted it to.  I'm not putting reducing sodium on the backburner.  I just know for the time being that my new and wild PEANUT BUTTER ADDICTION (ugh, who woulda thought?) is something I need to get under control.

In addition: let's all thank God that the 5 for 5 Avocado Sale was only for a day, shall we?

Yikes. :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 4 of 28 Day Challenge: February 4th

Point of Interest:
Ghenet--Vegan Ethiopian Dining.  A Review and A Perspective

Going out to eat as a Vegan, especially when you're dining with Non-Vegans, can be a trying task.  (I should know, I've been a Vegan for four whole days.  And I still don't know if I should capitalize Vegan or leave it all small. Opinions?)


Already, I feel the pressure of finding restaurants that are suitable for meat eaters and non-meat eaters alike.  You don't want to put anyone out of their way, but what fun is it if you go out to eat and the garden salad is your only dining option?  No fun. No fun at all, I tell you.

Enter Ghenet.

And I--I am that very angel.  Look at her eyes.  They are like mine. 


In Ethiopian cooking, it is against religious dietary restrictions to cook the vegetarian dishes in an animal product.  (I assume most restaurants attend to this restriction--can't be sure, though.  Do you research!)  Whereas the meat dishes are often cooked in butter (yum), the vegetarian dishes at Ghenet use vegetable oil.  And they do both very well!  My guest last night got a spicy beef plate with collards and mushrooms and ate it up like THAT.  Myself, I got the vegetarian combo plate--four small piles of beautiful stews--mushroom, lentil, white bean and collards--on injera, which is an Ethiopian (gluten-free!) sourdough-y flatbread. You eat the stews with the bread itself, scooping it up using your hands.  The whole process of eating an Ethiopian meal is very sensual and hearty and communal.  I like that kind of eating, and I like vegetarian (or vegan) cooking that doesn't call for adjusting a dish--it just is what it is.  Unapologetically hearty and spicy and filling and good.

After dinner, I was completely satisfied.  A glass of red wine completed the meal.  I will definitely be going back to Ghenet.  Aghen and aghen.


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Let's just say it in video form, shall we?  This is my first go at this, so it's awkward and self conscious.  Sorta like me in the eighth grade.

And let's add that I had Ezekiel Cereal and a large soy latte this am.  I don't like the soy latte.  Do I have to give up coffee? Ugh.  Please no.  Can't there be an alien cow out there that's not of this earth making it VEGAN whose milk I can feed upon? 

That said, looking forward to vegan Ethiopian food this evening. :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Day 2.  How we feeling?  Let's assess.

Energy level: great!
Tummy condition:  great!  perhaps a little bloated, gassy.  Hey, you wanted a daily journal, guys.
Cravings: none.  None yet.  I mean, days have gone by in my life where I haven't eaten any animal products. When I wasn't a practicing vegan.  So I'm not feeling any sort of withdrawal yet.

Points of Interest:
Yesterday, to gear up for the 28 Day Challenge, Ebeth Johnson (Healthy Eating Specialist a Whole Foods Market Columbus Circle) made lasagna.  From ENGINE 2.  These things were beautiful monstrosities of healthy deliciousness.  Every vegetable under the sun.  No cheese.  Very minimal oil.  Very minimal salt and pepper.  I brought a slice home for lunch today.  Excited about it.  It's really what I love about eating vegetables--a variety of textures, colors and flavors.


Like Grape Nuts, this cereal is mad filling, crazy crunchy, and naturally a little sweet.  My breakfast now.  With almond milk.  And a piece of fruit.  For the last month or so, I'd been doing fruit with yogurt from the breakfast bar at Whole Foods Market.  Now, it's all about this cereal, with an orange or an apple.  The chopped fruit available right now is not seasonal, really, nor is it super ripe and sweet.  Citrus, apples--they're great right now.  I think my month as a vegan is going to be about utilizing the best foods available to have the most satisfying experience.  Why eat fake cheese if I don't like?  Likewise--rice milk?  Gross. Almond Milk--DELICIOUS!  Choices.  Conscious choices. 

has nothing to do with anything.  But I'm stuck at home today cuz of the ice (day off as well) so some big cooking might be in order.  Lentils?  Sweet potatoes/black beans/avocado thing?  We'll see.  Gotta take advantage of this shut-in day and make something good.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


And so the daily blogging of my progress as a Vegan for the month of February begins!

I'm doing this as part of the 28 Day Challenge at Whole Foods Market Columbus Circle. My "choose your own adventure" challenge is going the vegan route for the month of February.  Granted, I've been vegetarian for the last 6 weeks or so, but Veganism--whollllle other story.  No cheese, no eggs, no animal products of any kind.   

I've always been one to "document"--this blog is going to help me, hopefully, figure out what works for me on this diet, and what doesn't. That's the goal, anyway.  Little introspection never hurt.


A boy scout, or a girl scout, or a Vegan--is always prepared.  Last night, in preparation for Day 1 of my 28 Day Challenge, I made a delicious Mexican Veggie Taco Stew.  I used a recipe off of that called for meat—red meat, ground meat, 85/15 oh boy--but instead, I substituted Boca Meatless Crumbles. And adjusted seasoning.  And doubled up on veggies.  I even added a chipotle in adobo and some of the adobo sauce, which, to me is a “meaty” sorta flavor—smoky and rich. And mad spicy.   I bought some Tofutti Sour Cream as well.

And Daiya Cheddar Cheese  Style shreds. 

I’m into the Toffuti Sour Cream but the Daiya fake cheese—is gross. It’s musty and I’m not AT ALL into it.  Sigh.  It was a few bucks, too.  I might just bring it back and get a refund.

This Mexican Veggie Taco Stew was awesome.  Even though I wasn't officially Vegan yesterday--I went and ate this bad boy for dinner.  And it was filling, nutritious, spicy and oil free.  Stuff I'm looking for this month.  Stuff that will keep satisfied and cravings under control. Stuff that will ensure my success. Which is the point, right?  To feel a sense of accomplishment after this is all said and done.

Here’s the adjusted recipe for the Mexican Veggie Taco Stew that I took from  Doctored it up with more seasoning, subsituted meat for vegan meat, etc.

Serves 4


1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 bag, 12 oz Boca Meatless Crumbles

1 tablespoon cumin

1 tablespoon garlic powder

1 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp oregano

1 tablespoon sea salt

¼ teaspoon red pepper flake

3 cups no sodium Kitchen Basics Vegetable Broth
1 large zucchini

1 large summer squash
1 (15-ounce) 365 Everyday Value No-Salt-Added Black Beans
1 (14.5-ounce) can 365 Everyday Value Diced Tomatoes
2 cups frozen corn
16 oz jar 365 Everyday Value Salsa


Spray a large pot with non stick cooking spray. Sauté onion and garlic until onion is translucent. Add meatless crumbles and spices and a bit of stock.  Cook for about 10 minutes or until meatless crumbles are heated through. Add remaining ingredients and simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, 15 to 20 minutes.

Make this folks. Vegans and meat eaters alike.  I'll think you'll dig on it.

More tomorrow!