Sorry about missing the post yesterday. But it felt like a whirlwind weekend that would be best summed up today, the last day of my 28 Day Challenge.
And really, the first day of the rest of my life. That’s the corniest thing one can say, but man, it’s true.
When I went vegetarian a few months ago, it was pretty much because my friend Kristy went vegetarian. So I did it, for kicks. Then I went vegan for this 28 Day Challenge, mostly to get a free membership to a gym, honestly. And also living the vegetarian lifestyle was really quite suiting me. I wasn’t missing meat at all, so I figured, let’s make the plunge and cut out the dairy and eggs. But these decisions were made a bit haphazardly. Not a WHOLE lot of thought went into all of this in the beginning. But as weeks went by, my veganism became much more a part of who I was. I enjoyed finding new vegan hotspots around town and recipes. I was losing a bit of weight and feeling more energetic. I was looking forward to the Engine 2 Immersion. And then I went to the immersion.
And it was then that things (and well, me) REALLY changed. That I felt these foods become an integral part of who I was. I started thinking of myself as a being who needed fuel in order to live well. Now I’m looking forward to putting my own artistic and creative touches on this “fuel”—making the plant strong diet something luscious and exciting and fun. It’s not going to be hard. I have a huge array of beautiful delicious foods to spread my love of cooking to. All these veggies and grains will know my name. That’s for certain.
And exercise—this is going to be the REAL challenge. I know this. At least at the beginning. Though I absolutely loved exercising every day this past week, and went to the gym yesterday, and plan on going tonight—I know it will be a challenge. I intend on finding affordable yoga classes. I intend on running this Spring. I intend on getting fit and trim with exercise being a great ally. Still, harder to make it a habit. I’ve eaten every day of my life. I know what it is to change that up. Exercise—not so engrained yet. But I want to make it my beautiful addiction. Exercise. Activity. Moving my body and staying in touch with it.
What else can I say? My ex boyfriend emailed me a couple of days ago. A few months ago, I’d let that tear me up. Now it’s like, meh. I’ve got my own thing going on. No matter what happens—if I have to move, if I lose my job, if I lose a lover, if my whole world collapses around me—I’ll still have this Engine 2 Diet. I’ll still have exercise. I can always put some spinach and tomatoes and mushrooms in a pot and pour it over brown rice. I can always take a walk in the park. I can always practice dietary excellence and be in charge of what goes into my body. It might sound like an obsession, but it’s the best kind. Obsessed with feeling good. Obsessed with living long. And obsessed with being plant strong.
I’ll be keeping up with this blog every now and again though I might have to rename it as it’s past February. Though Vegan February was a momentous time for me. It might be good to keep that title and remember when it all began.
May the adventures continue.