Hmmm, hitting a lull right now with the posting. Still feel like I should write a bit each day, though, just to make sure to get a status update in. Tonight, I feel fine. This afternoon, woozy. I think I might be getting a bit of a cold or something? Not sure. Added ground flax seed to the diet this morning on the cereal. Drank more water. Cutting back on caffeine cuz coffee without real milk is gross. Hmm, what else, what else?
Gonna try and get to the gym tomorrow. I talked to Ebeth last week about my lack of real serious exercise and I'm gonna try to get my ass in gear about it. For like the zillionth time in my life. This is why I really want to WIN THAT NY SPORTS CLUB MEMBERSHIP!!! I will have the opportunity to take classes and have FUN with my workout and not get so borrrrred.
So much to work on. It seems kinda huge sometimes. I approach it on occasion with a LET'S DO THIS! attitude and the next minute I'm, like, tired. And irritable. And just want cheese.
Holy moly, not sure I've even talked about that! But I got into the Engine 2 Healthy Eating Immersion in Austin. Starting February 20th. Going to the 26th. I'm elated about this. It will give me the edge, support, encouragement I need to REALLY take the plunge into this healthy lifestyle. I know a little bit about where I'm headed. But I know I don't know it all. And all this info I'm gonna get in Austin is really gonna help me stuff in perspective. Food wise. Health wise. Me wise.
That's it for now. Signing off.
I hear you on the "so much to work on" bit.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to find a new approach to exercise too. Looking into specialty exercise "schools" rather than the traditional gym; or home personal trainers; or do I just suck it up and get to the gym more. I don't know. It's just HARD. I am my own worst obstacle, this is for certain.
Flax seed is awesome, or flax seed oil (with a little lemon juice). Agreed.
Are you keeping a food journal???
You're doing great, Kelly! I love you a ton. And thanks again for sharing :)