Kelly's Vegan February

I started out a meat eater. Then I became vegetarian.

Now I'm Vegan. For the month of February, at least.

This is a record of 28 days of living
a Vegan Lifestyle
for my 28 Day Challenge
at Whole Foods Market Columbus Circle.

The struggles, the successes, the food!

Let's do this like it should be DONE.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

DAY 5: FEB 5 PART 2!!!

Oooh, lunch today was GREAT.  I had a Candle Cafe Black Bean and Pumpkin Seed Burger available here at the PFDS counter at Whole Foods.  I had it on a whole wheat roll with a bit of no oil hummus, salsa verde, romaine lettuce, tomatoes and shredded carrots.  It was AWESOME.  Texturally, the seeds in the burger gave it a terrific bite!  It inspired me to make some homemade veggie burgers.  I had this veggie burger at Cafe Orlin in the East Village one time, and it was chuck full of walnuts and lentils and soooo hearty!  Also fried.  Yum.  Would probably bake it.  Not sure that veggie burger at Orlin was vegan, though.  Hmmm. In any case, it was good to have a veggie burger that didn't taste like it came from a wack health food store in 1983. 

1 comment:

  1. Try a flatbread pizza, gets nice and crispy. Cook half the time on cookie sheet then directly on rack. 10 min at 400 degrees depending on oven.
    yay kelly !
