Kelly's Vegan February

I started out a meat eater. Then I became vegetarian.

Now I'm Vegan. For the month of February, at least.

This is a record of 28 days of living
a Vegan Lifestyle
for my 28 Day Challenge
at Whole Foods Market Columbus Circle.

The struggles, the successes, the food!

Let's do this like it should be DONE.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15: Feb 15

Wow!  Just realized I'm more than halfway through my 28 Day Challenge.  Which is wild!  It's been easier than many other "diets" I've tried, though I'm not considering this a diet so much as an experiment.  I'm using the last whole on my belt (!) and eating pretty much whatever I want except animal products.  That is to say, if I want a scoop of coconut ice cream, I'll have a scoop.  If I want some popcorn (cooked only w a bit of olive oil), I'll have some  popcorn.  I'm getting my greens and beans in because I have to or I'll be super hungry.  The rest is just whatever.  I'm sure that when I get to Austin this Sunday (yay), my diet will change considerably.  No more oils except for the ones in nuts. A lot less sugar except for the sugars in fruits.  And no coffee.  Eek.  No coffee.  Yeah, no coffee at that ranch.  I know.  Scary.  Green Tea--you betcha.  We'll just see.  I'm figuring with the exercise and all the water I'll be drinking, it won't be as bad as detoxing at work.  And maybe just maybe, the lack of coffee there will encourage me to stay off the beans here. 

One of my new favorite things in the brown rice vegetable salad roll at the sushi bar here.  It's got like arugula and carrot and avocado and a couple other veggies and comes with a yummy dressing (canola based, no eggs) and it's filling and tastes a bit naughty.  To think that a SUSHI ROLL WOULD TASTE NAUGHTY to me is just hilarious.  But my taste buds are changing.  One of the more remarkable things to have happened since I started the 28 Day Challenge.

In other news, I'm continuing to take the multi vitamin and vitamin d every day.  And the ground flax in my cereal, yogurt, or sometimes just by the spoonful.  I consider the flax a kind of supplement, though I know it's a food.  It's like an instant "Oh, I'm a little full" kind of snack/shot to the body.  I am feeling a BIT tired but I think that's mainly because it's been a hectic week or so. 

Alrighty then, that's it for now!  I feel like these posts are getting a little monotonous--but wait til next week!  Oh, my the stories I will have from the immersion!!  Just wait. Ha. :)


  1. Before reading your last paragraph I was actually getting excited at the thought of your posts next week! I'm interested to learn about the cast of characters in Texas with you during this experience. I'm super excited for you!

  2. Hi Kelly! I love your blog. I am learning and laughing at the same time. You go girl!
