Kelly's Vegan February

I started out a meat eater. Then I became vegetarian.

Now I'm Vegan. For the month of February, at least.

This is a record of 28 days of living
a Vegan Lifestyle
for my 28 Day Challenge
at Whole Foods Market Columbus Circle.

The struggles, the successes, the food!

Let's do this like it should be DONE.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Week's Worth of Results

So at the Engine 2 Immersion, they took our blood work, blood pressure and weighed us on the first official day of the immersion. Here were mine. (Weight included, kids.  You have an all access pass to Land of Kelly's Numbers.  Gulp.)

Let's start with Monday!
Blood pressure                                 120/80                                
Weight                                              191.6                                    
Cholesterol                                        133                                       
LDL                                                    30                                             
Triglycerides                                       120                                      
Glucose                                                95                  

So I'm pretty happy with all of those, really--except the weight.  and my triglycerides were almost high.

Now for Friday's results.

Blood pressure    111/75
Weight                   188        
Cholesterol              117
LDL                          32          
Triglycerides              79          
Glucose                     83
Needless to say, I"m MORE than happy with Friday's Results!  I don't put these up to brag or to congratulate, really. I put these results up to show you what 5 DAYS CAN DO--5 days of eating plant strong., low fat, low salt, no oil diet and exercising--for just an hour a day.  I was never hungry, I was sometimes sore, and I had gas.  But overall, I felt fantastic. Man, nearly 4 lbs lost while gaining muscle?  Pretty great! Working to get results like these has never been easier.   

And I intend on getting more good results here on out.  

Go Plant Strong!

Ha. Cheeseball.